Intuition is the ability to sense or perceive something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Some people are born with this skill while others can develop it over time with consistent practice. No matter which group you belong to, you can use crystals to enhance your intuitive skills.
In this article, we will look into the best crystals for enhancing intuition.
Which Crystals to Use to Enhance Intuition
You may be wondering how crystals even work. Crystals radiate energy and have a certain vibration; this vibration can either subtly or deeply affect us, as we too are beings of energy – this is what our spirit, emotions, and thoughts are made of.
Crystals also have certain properties. When it comes to enhancing your intuitive skills, there are certain crystals that have the property of making you more clairvoyant, opening you up to spiritual communication, and heightening your psychic skills.
Crystals and gemstones that can be used for intuition are:
- Purple crystals. These crystals resonate with the Crown Chakra (top of your head), which represents your connection to the spiritual realms. Good choices are amethyst, ametrine, auralite, lavender quartz, lavender tanzanite, lepidolite, purple fluorite, purple sapphire, purple tourmaline, purpurite, and tanzine aura quartz. Use these stones to encourage spiritual experiences and communication through meditation.

- Blue crystals. These gemstones resonate with the Third Eye (center of the forehead) which is the seat of your intuition and psychic skills. Such stones are angelite, azurite, aqua aura quartz, blue agate, blue aventurine, blue chalcedony, blue calcite, blue fluorite, blue howlite, blue lace agate, blue quartz, celestite, dumortierite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, and sapphire. These are all great crystals for meditation, receiving visions, learning new skills, and developing psychic awareness and communication.

- White and clear crystals. These stones vibrate pure light and are connected to your Crown Chakra as well as your entire spiritual being. Clear quartz is one of these crystals and should never be missing from your crystal toolkit, as it amplifies and energizes all other crystals near it. You can also opt for other varieties of quartz (Faden, Fairy, Lemurian, Spirit, etc) as well as apophyllite, chalcedony, clear calcite, Herkimer diamond, moonstone, opal, white jade, selenite, and zircon.

Whatever crystals or stones you choose, make sure to first cleanse them under clear running water. You can then program each stone by holding them between your palms and imbuing them with your intention.
How to Use Crystals to Enhance Your Intuition
Once you have selected the crystals you prefer to work with or are more drawn to, use the following techniques to enhance your intuition:
Tip #1: Place a crystal under your pillow
Place any of the purple or blue crystals underneath your pillow before you go to bed to enhance your dreaming experiences. These can even encourage your astral body to travel to other worlds during the dream state. Dreams can end up becoming a deeply lucid and psychic experience by which you can receive messages, visions, and predictions from the dream world or the spiritual beings you may meet.
Tip #2: Place a crystal on your Third Eye
Your Third Eye is where your intuition is accessed and produced from. Placing any of the blue crystals directly onto it can enhance visions, foretelling, clarity, awareness, and a range of intuitive psychic skills. To do this effectively, you should lie down first, then place the crystal on your Third Eye chakra, and remain still for at least 10 minutes. You can repeat this daily or until you have the desired results.
Tip #3: Gaze into a crystal ball
Crystal balls or spheres (usually made of clear quartz) often remind us of psychics — and there is good reason for it! Gazing into one of these spheres can help still the mind and open your Third Eye and Crown chakras to a clairvoyant experience. Some psychics actually see visions inside their clear crystal balls, so why not try to do the same yourself?
Test out any of the above methods that resonate with you. You can even keep a journal of your psychic experience to assess how the crystals have helped you enhance your intuitive skills over time!