Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Maybe you can try using crystals to help you sleep better at night.
Crystals and gemstones are not a form of medicine, nor are they able to cure your insomnia, but they can certainly encourage the healing process by allowing you to relax and open up to positive energies.
In this article, we will look at the best crystals for sleeping better at night.
Which Crystals to Choose for Sleeping Better
Crystals have been used for centuries by diverse cultures to promote well-being and healing. Likewise, they are still used today to promote a variety of effects.

While crystals can be used for all sorts of conditions, only certain crystals have calming, sleep-promoting properties, and can thus aid you in getting a good night’s sleep. Here are some of the best crystals to use if you’re having trouble sleeping or dealing with insomnia:
1. Amethyst (for anxious sleepers)
A calming gemstone, Amethyst has properties that promote relaxation, particularly for those individuals with an overactive, anxious mind. This relaxing effect can, in turn, help you catch your Zs more easily.
2. Selenite (for all sorts of imbalances)
Is your mind racing as soon as you hit the pillow? Or maybe you just feel tense and out of sorts when you go to bed, in which case Selenite can help balance and ground your energy. Selenites also come in towers and bedside lights, which make a beautiful addition to any bedroom, while also inducing deep sleep.

3. Black Tourmaline (for nightmares)
If you suffer from nightmares, Black Tourmaline is the stone to use to keep them at bay. The stone will also ward off any negative thoughts and expel negative energies that are lingering in your auric field, which may be the reason you are struggling to sleep in the first place.
4. Moonstone (for women dealing with insomnia)
A stone associated with the moon, fertility, and womanhood, Moonstone is a top choice for women who deal with insomnia, particularly around “that time” of the month. Moonstone comes in various shades but the best one to opt for is that of the white-blue variety.

5. Blue Kyanite (for snorers)
If snoring wakes you up at night, then this crystal is for you! Those with a chronic snoring problem or any issue related to the throat and sinuses can benefit from using or wearing Blue Kyanite.
6. Rose Quartz (the multi-property love stone)
From warding off negative thoughts and nightmares to promoting stress relief and loving emotions, Rose Quartz is an all-in-one crystal and a fantastic option for those seeking love or who are struggling in their relationship. It is also a very comforting stone for those who worry excessively or feel lonely at night.

How to Use Crystals to Improve Sleep
Once you have acquired your sleep-inducing crystals, cleansed and programmed them, apply any of the following techniques before going to bed:
Tip #1: Have a crystal bath
What could be more relaxing than a bath before bedtime? Add Amethyst or any Quartz crystal to your bath (quartzes will enhance the overall experience), as other stones may erode in water.
Tip #2: Place a crystal under your pillow
One or more crystals can be placed underneath your pillow to promote sleep and relaxation. Make sure to use tumbled (polished) stones, as a raw piece might crumble under the pressure.

Tip #3: Keep crystals next to or under your bed
If you don’t want to place a crystal beneath your pillow (this may be true if you like to move your pillow around a lot at night and fear losing it), you can place it either on your bedside table or even under your mattress. Wherever you choose to place it, make sure it is either aligned with your head area or a short distance away from it. You can also add Clear Quartzes around your central crystal to enhance its properties.
It is important to add that, if you have a severe or chronic condition, like insomnia, you must consult a medical professional. You can still use crystals and gemstones for energy healing purposes but you should in no case deem them to be a cure or treatment.