Retail price for 1-2 carat heated blue sapphire:
Quality from high to low
Top grade: $1600-$3900/ct
Very good grade: $1400-$2700/ct
Good grade: $1200-$2100/ct
Fair grade: $275-$1125/ct
Typically, mid-quality untreated blue sapphire will sell for 20-30% more than a treated stone of the same quality.
Main origin
The Burma (Myanmar) and Kashmir are two well-known regions that are famous for producing high-quality sapphires. Sri Lanka, Madagascar, etc. are also the main sources of sapphires on the market.
Optical Effects of Phenomenal
Sapphire can possess the phenomena of asterism, which is caused by inclusions of tiny bands of parallel rutile needles. To achieve the best results when working with star material, it is essential to make sure that the base of the cabochon is cut parallel to the inclusions. This will produce an even effect across the dome of the cabochon.

Star sapphire