Struck core
Struck core is a type of coin error that can occur during the assembly process of the two components. In some cases, the outer ring fails to descend into the vacuum of the rotating disc that feeds the planchets inside the beating chamber, resulting in only the core being minted. Currently, examples of single and double strike off-center errors are known, but further combinations with striking or planchet errors cannot be ruled out. These errors are rare and highly sought after by collectors.

To distinguish a genuine minted core from one that has been tampered with outside the Mint by removing the outer ring, attention must be paid to the embossed reliefs on the obverse and reverse. When the core is inserted alone inside the beating chamber, it does not assume a correct position, resulting in off-center reliefs being minted. Additionally, the central disc undergoes slight expansion caused by the pressure added to the absence of friction with the collar. Some specimens may exhibit traces of scratches on the contour generated by the contact of the flange with the collar at the time of minting.
It is important to note that these errors are rare, and their authenticity should be carefully evaluated by experienced collectors or professionals in the field. The minting of a struck core is a unique occurrence that adds significant value to a coin’s rarity and historical significance.