Elliptical clip
Cutting errors, specifically clips, are a type of coin error that occur when a portion of the planchet is accidentally cut out during the production process. This error can happen during the blanking process, when a circular disk is cut from the metal strip that will become the planchet. If the cutting tool overshoots or undershoots, a portion of the planchet will be missing, resulting in a clipped coin.

Clipped coins can vary in size depending on how much of the planchet was cut off. If a significant portion of the planchet is missing, the coin will be noticeably smaller and lighter than a normal coin. If only a small portion is clipped, it may be difficult to detect without close examination.
Clipping errors can also be caused by foreign objects getting in between the dies and the planchet during the striking process. This can cause portions of the planchet to be compressed and flattened, resulting in a clipped appearance.
In some cases, clipped coins may have other associated errors, such as double strikes or off-center strikes. These errors can add to the uniqueness and desirability of the coin for collectors.